1976 Production Team
1976 Assistant Producers
1976 Cast List
1976 Back Stage Boys & Girls
1976 Orchestra
1976 Spotlight on the Show
1976 Show Chairmaans Message
1976 International Commissioners Message
1. Opening.
2. Fings ain't what they used to be.
3. The Gardeners.
4. Merry Month of May.
5. Disc Buyers.
6. Taking their places.
7. Romany Road.
8. Trouble at Seaview.
9. Halloween.
10. Five Little Fella's.
11. The Gunners.
12. First Act Finale.
  I N T E R V A L
1. Fiesta Time.
2. Parent's Committee.
3. It's Gonna be Warm.
4. The Romans
5. Over the Garden Wall.
6. Camp Cookery.
7. Dream Boat.
8. The Bucks.
9. Shadows.
10. Nursery Rhymes.
11. English Madrigals.
12. Can't Stop the Clock.
13. Finale.

Some Pictures Shot Back Stage
Thanks to Jane Pearson